Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tired of Pink? Help Us Figure Out How to Bring Infertility Out of the Closet...

Years ago no one talked about breast cancer publicly. It was whispered about in the aisles of the grocery stores, kept behind closed doors, and dealt with in secret and isolation. Now, it is on billboards in Times Square! This is exactly what needs to happen with infertility. We are still in the whisper phase and need to figure out how to get to Times Square.

Today, I was in a great meeting brainstorming with a diverse group of leaders from the reproductive community. The meat of our conversation was how to change this – specifically, how the entire reproductive community can work together to increase awareness and improve access.

I truly believe that we can achieve more together than we can alone, which is why meetings like this get me very fired up. The key is to make sure that the conversation doesn’t stop with the meeting. So, while we all digest all of the ideas discussed and before we move forward with any new programs, I want to solicit your advice. How do you want to see us remove the infertility stigma and increase access to treatments?

1 comment:

  1. i don't understand why people hide this; they would be so much better off if they talked about it - then they would find out that tons of their friends went through it! it seems like tons of people i know either used clomid, ivf or something . . .people could really learn from and get support from each other if they would be more open
